l pSummary
Count the number of items in L where P is true
Probably only interesting to you if you want to understand more about the Nujel VM or care very much about performance.
( 0 ($get/val 'p)) ( 2 ($jf* 23)) ( 5 ($get/val 'reduce)) ( 7 ($get/val 'l)) ( 9 ($push/val 'anonymous)) ( 11 ($push/val (a b))) ( 13 ($push/val #@())) ( 15 ($push/val #{##(a p b) 0E000E010E0204010B0008020109000502002501 })) ( 17 ($fn/dynamic)) ( 18 ($push/int/byte 0)) ( 20 ($apply 3)) ( 22 ($jmp* 20)) ( 25 ($get/val 'reduce)) ( 27 ($get/val 'l)) ( 29 ($push/val 'anonymous)) ( 31 ($push/val (a b))) ( 33 ($push/val #@())) ( 35 ($push/val #{##(a) 0E0002012501 })) ( 37 ($fn/dynamic)) ( 38 ($push/int/byte 0)) ( 40 ($apply 3)) ( 42 ($ret))