
Comments use Scheme syntax, and some SRFI's have been implemented directly.

; A single semicolon comments out everything until the next line
(+ 1 #;2 3) ; You can use #; to comment out the following form, should be SRFI-62 compatible!
 | Nujel also allows for SRFI-30 like nested Multi-line comments
(comment (println "A message, never to be printed.")) ; Nujel also has a comment macro, this however returns #nil unlike #;

Apart from that it is recommended to use a single ; at the end of a line to comment whatever is happening on that particular line.

If however you would like to comment a bigger section of code you should put 2 ;; at the beginning of the line.

For top-level comments describing the entire file try and use 3 ;;; at the beginning of the lines.

The comment macro is mostly useful for usage with nujel-mode since you can easily evaluate commented out forms. Beware however that everything within a comment macro needs to be a valid Nujel S-Expression!

This is in accordance with Scheme, Common Lisp as well as Clojure best practices.